Information provided by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.
The Hungry Bear Mexican Grill, 502 Ninth St., Benton City. License type: direct shipment receiver in/out of Washington; beer/wine restaurant. Application type: new.
Fiesta Mexican Restaurant, 2731 Queensgate Drive, Richland. License type: spirits/beer/wine restaurant. Application type: new.
Branding Iron, 213 W. Kennewick Ave., Kennewick. License type: spirits/beer/wine restaurant lounge. Application type: assumption.
Sushi Mori, 1350 N. Louisiana St., Suite G, Kennewick. License type: beer/wine restaurant. Application type: assumption.
The Bradley, 404 Bradley Blvd., Suite 106, Richland. License type: direct shipment receiver in/out of Washington; direct shipment receiver in Washington only; spirits/beer/wine restaurant lounge. Application type: new.
Paper Street Alehouse, 701 The Parkway, Suite A, Richland. License type: Direct shipment receiver in Washington only; beer/wine restaurant/taproom; direct shipment receiver in/out of Washington; off premises. Application type: added/change of class.
Horse Heaven Saloon, 615 Sixth St., Prosser. License type: direct shipment receiver in Washington only. Application type: added/change of class.
The Lodge at Columbia Point, 530 Columbia Point Drive, Richland. License type: hotel. Application type: new.
Vinaceus, 318 Wellhouse Loop, Richland. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: alcohol permits.
MV Chrysalis, 458-C Columbia Point Drive, Richland. License type: interstate common carrier. Application type: added/change of class.
RMV Cellars, 48313 N. Sunset Road, Benton City. License type: domestic winery < 250,00 liters.
El Aguila Restaurant, 939 S. 10th Ave., Pasco. License type: direct shipment receiver in/out of Washington; spirits/beer/wine restaurant lounge. Application type: new.
Carniceria La Cabana #4, 5426 N. Road 68, Suite C2, Pasco. License type: grocery store beer/wine. Application type: new.
El Dorado Night Club, direct shipment receiver in/out of Washington; direct shipment in Washington only; nightclub. Application type: new.
Elpatron Night Club, 101 W. Columbia St., Pasco. License type: direct shipment receiver in Washington only; nightclub. Application type: new.
Xpress Mart of Pasco, 1724 W. Clark St., Pasco. License type: grocery store beer/wine. Application type: assumption.