Noble Cause, 41305D N. Griffin Road, Grandview, has applied for marijuana producer tier 3 and marijuana processor licenses.
Green2Go, 214610 E. SR 397, Kennewick, has applied for marijuana retailer and medical marijuana licenses.
Green Point, 56104 N. Thomas Road, Benton City, has applied to a change of location for its marijuana producer tier 3 and marijuana processor licenses. The new location would be at 32508 W. Kelly Road, Ste. A, Benton City.
The Slow Burn, 4278C W. Van Giesen St., West Richland, has applied for a marijuana retailer license.
T In T Elements, 43001 N. Griffin Road, Ste. B, Grandview, has been approved for a marijuana producer tier 2 license.
Clemans Mountain Cannibis, 159003 W. Johnson Road, Prosser, has been approved for a marijuana producer tier 3 license.
Experience Organics, 46415 E. Badger Road, Ste. A, Benton City, has been approved for a marijuana tier 3 license.
West Coast Productions, 46605 S. Morton Road, Ste. B, Kennewick, has discontinued its marijuana producer tier 1 license.