Applications are now being accepted to participate in the next Leadership Tri-Cities class.
The deadline to submit applications for the educational development program is May 22.
The program, founded in 1994, is interested in people who are already involved in leadership roles within the community and those who are emerging leaders seeking opportunities to grow and develop. Applicants must have a signed letter of support from their sponsoring organization or employer.
Tuition for the program is $2,000, which covers all fees, meals, session transportation and retreat lodging. Tuition is paid by the class member, employer, sponsor, or combination of sources; however, participants are required to personally pay at least 10% of their tuition. A limited amount of tuition assistance is available.
Applicants must live or work in the greater Tri-Cities area.
Graduation is dependent on attendance and professional, active participation in required sessions and a class project.
To read about Leadership Tri-Cities Class 26's class project, click here.
Interviews will be held in May. The program starts in August and runs through June.
For more information and to apply to be a part of LTC Class 27, go to: leadershiptricities.com/apply.