Documents filed under Washington’s environmental review process reveal a list of projects in the works for the Mid-Columbia.
The State Environmental Policy Act, or SEPA, often provides the first look at the mixed-use projects, mini-storage facilities, apartments, industrial expansions, subdivisions and more that are working their way through the various planning departments of Benton, Franklin and Walla Walla counties.
Here’s a look at projects that appeared in the SEPA register in the past month.
Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council
Horse Heaven Wind Farm LLC has submitted a proposal to build a renewable energy generation facility within the Horse Heaven Hills area, about 4 miles south/southwest of the city of Kennewick and the larger Tri-Cities urban area.
The facility would have a generating capacity of up to 1,150 megawatts and would include both wind turbines and solar photovoltaic panels. Once the energy is converted into electric power, it would be either directly transferred to the power grid or stored in up to three battery energy storage systems.
The site would have not more than 231 turbines and three solar arrays. The lease boundary encompasses 72,428 acres, and the project’s Wind Energy Micrositing Corridor, where the turbines and supporting facilities would be located, encompasses 11,850 acres within the lease boundary. The Solar Siting Areas encompass 10,755 acres within the lease boundary.
Knutzen Engineering has submitted plans to rezone a 0.5-acre parcel at 208 N. Kellogg St. from residential, low density, to commercial, community.
Knutzen Engineering has submitted plans to rezone two parcels at 6311 W. Clearwater Ave., containing a driving range and miniature golf course, from open space – limited to open space to allow for future property development. The parcels total 11.3 acres.
The city of Richland’s economic development team has submitted plans to amend the Richland Municipal Code to increase the maximum building height within the waterfront zone from 55 feet to 85 feet. A section restricting towers, lofts, water tanks, etc. constructed above the height limit in the waterfront zone will be removed.
Benton County
Terry Christensen submitted a proposal to divide two parcels at 12709 N. Gap Road, Prosser, into four lots. The parcels total 21.5 acres and contain mapped wetlands.
Benton County
Wheat Head Brewing Co. has submitted plans to construct a 200-space parking lot for a brewery, proposed farmers market and proposed event center.
Tom Stirling has submitted plans to build a 5,400-square-foot car wash at 2200 Columbia Park Trail on 1.28 acres of undeveloped land. Construction will include a parking lot and drive aisles, driveway improvements, utilities and demolishing an existing shed.
Benton County Clean Air Agency
Tactical Cleaning Company has submitted a proposal to permit a portable flare at 228919 E. Cochran Road, Kennewick.
TCA intends to flare railcars containing residual hydrocarbon vapor to perform maintenance on the railcars.
A maximum of 10 railcars per month over the duration of one year will be flared.
Benton County
Farmland Reserve has submitted plans to grade about 150,000 cubic yards and build three 180-by-350-foot potato storage buildings at 127227 E. 1683 PR SE in Plymouth.
West Richland
Yarjan Sidiqi has submitted plans on behalf of Islamic Center of Tri-Cities to expand the center’s facilities. The expansion will add 10,200 square feet and 83 parking stalls. The property at 2900 Bombing Range Road is zoned medium density residential.
Karl Kohne has submitted a proposal to convert multifamily units off Parke Avenue between Main and Gurnsey to condominiums.
Harms Engineering Inc. has submitted plans to subdivide 42.08 acres at South Olympia Street, east of Kent Street, into 29 lots and two tracts. This will include grading, a 3,250-foot-long public road, utility mains and services, and a 1,850-foot-long paved private secondary access road.
Cody Fielding with Haven Capital LLC has submitted plans for a 27-unit, single-story apartment complex northeast of Sandifur Parkway and Midland Lane. Each unit will be 782 square feet and will contain two bedrooms and one bathroom.
Maria Serra with the city of Pasco has submitted plans for improvements along Lewis Street between Second and Fifth avenues to create a safe and welcoming downtown area.
The project will focus on developing a street section to mirror the concepts depicted in the Downtown Pasco Master Plan, adopted in 2023.
The improvements will include multimodal transportation enhancements to improve pedestrian and bike safety, the replacement of the existing curb and gutter, and providing larger flexible sidewalk areas for future business and festival uses and Americans with Disabilities Act improvements.
The project also includes roadway resurfacing, stormwater retrofits and street lighting upgrades.
Paul Knutzen with Knutzen Engineering submitted plans to grade, level and import gravel to allow for the use of storage on three parcels. Approximately 85,175 square feet of ground will be disturbed at 327 N. Front Ave.
Kimberly Jankelson has submitted plans to rezone approximately 2.18 acres at 3216 and 3220 Road 68 from residential suburban district to high density residential district. Future development with landscaping is planned.
Jeff Kelly has submitted plans to rezone two properties totaling 5.15 acres from residential suburban to low density residential. The project at 1802 Road 76 includes demolition of existing structures, decommissioning wells and onsite septic systems, clearing the land, grading for road and building pads, road construction and utility infrastructure, and residential construction.
Franklin County
Franklin PUD has submitted plans to build a new entrance drive to the north of the existing substation site at 8618 N. Railroad Ave., as well as build a drive path off the existing south entrance. Some 3,300 cubic yards of existing soil around the substation will be cut, and the new drive path will require 1,500 cubic yards of fill.
B4 Land Development and Consulting LLC has submitted plans to grade a 6-acre site and develop it into a commercial retail pad site. The site is on East Lewis Place, a quarter mile west of Highway 2 and 1,800 feet east of the intersection with Heritage Boulevard.
Robert McLeod with Knutzen Engineering submitted plans to build a two-pump fuel station with a canopy and an underground fuel storage tank at 1504 W. Sylvester St., a site developed with a convenience market. The project includes 100 cubic yards of excavation for the fuel tank.
Robert McLeod with Knutzen Engineering and Gary Questad submitted plans to rezone a property on the south side of West Henry Street between Road 44 and Road 42.
The property is 2.22 acres in size and will be rezoned from suburban district to low density residential district with the intent of subdividing the parcel in the future to allow for 10 new home sites.
Shane O’Neill of Clover Planning & Zoning LLC, on behalf of Kustom Restoration, has submitted a special permit application for a building height variance at 1320 N. Oregon Ave.
Plans call for a three-story office/warehouse building with a ground-level footprint of 18,000 square feet to be constructed there. The proposed building would be 55 feet tall, exceeding the maximum height allowed by 10 feet, and will offer 56 parking stalls.
Ed DiLuck, manager of Riviera Village, has submitted a special permit application on behalf of Golden Bell LLC for dividing an existing 5,304-quare-foot manufactured home site pad into two separate pads. Each pad at 700 Road 32, Space #198/200 will have separate utilities.
A1 Hospitality Group has submitted plans for a new Home 2 Suites Hotel on the south side of Earhart Drive and north side of West Argent Road, near the intersection of West Argent Road and North 20th Avenue.
The hotel will be 61,500 square feet in size and four stories tall, and would contain 107 units, 156 parking stalls and six semi-truck parking stalls.
Columbia Basin Truck Driving has submitted a proposal to locate a truck driving vocational school at 3605 Stearman Ave., zoned light industrial district.
Dennis W. Dean of KDA Architecture, on behalf of CBHA Pasco Clinic, has submitted a special permit application to develop a 28,800-square-foot, two-story medical clinic on 5.95 acres at the northeast corner of North Road 68 and Three Rivers Drive. The project would include parking, driveways, sidewalks and landscape areas in addition to public road improvements and public utility extensions. Plans for future expansion include a 6,300-square-foot third medical suite and a 1,700-square-foot dental clinic on the first floor.
Franklin County
Desert River Development has submitted an application to allow for the construction of a double-sided V-shaped billboard at 860 Pepiot Road in Mesa that will face Highway 395.
Each side of the billboard will be 576 square feet in size, with an overall height between 42 to 45 feet. There will be 100 square feet of property area to be used for billboard footing and power hookup. A public hearing is sest for 6:30 p.m. Jan. 2 in the Commissioner’s Room at the Franklin County Courthouse at 1016 N. Fourth Ave., Pasco.
Burl Booker has submitted plans for a proposed new use of “event center” in an existing 5,952-square-foot building at 748 W. Elm St.
The building contains a covered patio on the north end and will be available for rental for events such as weddings, seminars and markets. Under the proposal, hours and days of operation will vary, with events starting as early as 7 a.m. and others operating as late as 1 p.m.
There could be between 50 and 75 events per year with the highest uses likely occurring in the spring, summer and fall months. The proposal includes 81 parking spaces.
Dave Greeno, on behalf of Big Sky Developers LLC, has submitted plans to rezone a 2.6-acre portion of a site north of and next to the intersection of Burns Road and Ochoco Lane. The rezoning would change the property from its current retail commercial zoning to medium density residential, matching the zoning of the adjoining property to the north and leaving 0.7 acres of retail commercial zoning.
Regina Zambrano with United Parcel Services Inc. has submitted a proposal to build a 25,000-square-foot distribution center at 5810 N. Capitol Ave. This includes 300,000 square feet of site development for building, parking and stormwater facilities. The property is zoned light industrial.
Jose Ramirez with US Connections LLC has submitted a proposal for the construction of a mixed-use facility at 4109 Court St.
The proposal includes a ground floor for commercial uses and four floors of residential units above. The project would involve decommissioning an existing well and on-site septic system, clearing the site, demolishing an existing house, extending water and sewer main lines, and frontage and site improvements.
Amy Honeywell, on behalf of owner Karnail Singh, submitted a proposal to rezone a parcel east of Coyote Ridge Corrections Center and west of Highway 395 from urban reserve to commercial general.