Greenmed Labs, 30356 Hwy 243 S., Mattawa. License type: marijuana producer tier 3. Application type: Change of location. New address: 15505 N. Webber Canyon Road, Suite 1, Benton City.
Wautoma Valley, 511 Wautoma Road, Sunnyside. License type: marijuana producer tier 3 and marijuana processor. Application type: assumption. New name: Full Throttle Farms.
Greenluck, 866 Highland Orchard Road NE, Bridgeport. License type: marijuana producer tier 3 and marijuana processor. Application type: change of location. New address: 15505 N. Webber Canyon Road, Suite E, Benton City.
Washington Tower Farm, 158901 W. Old Inland Empire Highway, Prosser. License type: Marijuana producer tier 2. Application type: assumption.
Greenleaf Environmental, 413 N. Griffin Road, Suite E, Grandview. License type: marijuana producer tier 2. Application type: change of corporate officer.
Fourdub, 22604 Hosko Road, Prosser. License type: marijuana producer tier 3. Application type: added fees.
Gordon 4-M-J Nation, 15505 Webber Canyon Road, Suite C-1, Benton City. License type: marijuana processor. Application type: new.
Trichometechnologies, 33907 S. Gerards Road, Suite A, Kennewick. License type: marijuana producer tier 2. Application type: added fees.
Cooperative09, 57311 N. 435 PRNE, Benton City. License type: marijuana cooperative.
Hemp Masters, 171 Fairway Ave., Suite A, Mesa. License type: marijuana producer tier 3. Application type: new.