The Kennewick Senior Center will transition into a community center because of dwindling use and a demand for more all-age facilities.“Our daily participation counts of seniors at the senior center have steadily declined, as have the number of volunteer hours contributed at the center. We’ve got to make a change...
Peoples Company, a provider of land brokerage, land management, land investment and appraisal services in 20 states, has acquired 50 percent of Walla Walla-based AgriBusiness Trading Group Inc.AgriBusiness Trading Group specializes in sales, mergers and acquisitions of investment-grade agricultural assets.“Peoples Company is proud to announce that we are further expanding our...
“It’s about to get real.”That’s what Tim Arntzen, the Port of Kennewick’s chief executive officer, said while describing the next steps for the massive overhaul planned at the former site of Vista Field.Construction work on the expansive property nestled in the middle of Kennewick is set to kick-start the foundation...
A restaurant with a popular outdoor patio wouldn’t typically choose to schedule a temporary closure just as warm weather is setting in. But since there’s never an ideal time to shut down a business, the owner of 3 Eyed Fish Wine Bar determined she had the best chance for future...
The Academy of Children’s Theatre kicked off an expansion project this month to build a larger performance stage at its Richland headquarters at 213 Wellsian Way.Construction of the $1.5 million project will take place over the course of three years. This isn’t the first time ACT has undergone a transformation.Shortly...
Walker Construction Inc. may be a Spokane-based company but it’s done enough business over the years from Walla Walla to Yakima that it has opened an office in the Tri-Cities.The new office is at 2810 W. Clearwater Ave. in Kennewick.“We’ve been in our new office for at least 30 days,”...
Bouten Construction Co. has been selected to add 22 classrooms, a gym and offices in a detached addition at Kennewick's Amistad Elementary School.Bouten, which has offices in Richland and Spokane, provided the lowest base bid of $12.5 million to the Kennewick School District project.The Kennewick School Board approved two alternate...
A Richland company has an ambitious goal of bringing city-dwellers back to the central downtown area, to places either dominated by businesses or abandoned altogether.This includes high-profile locations in The Parkway and along Jadwin Avenue and George Washington Way, including the controversial pit at the gateway to the city.“The goal...
MH Construction moving from Clearwater Avenue to Badger CanyonTrying to get to MH Construction’s front office door in Kennewick can be tricky.While the building at 4211 West Clearwater Ave. is clearly visible from that main roadway, visitors might need a map to get there.They’ll have to drive a half a...
Niche bookstore to feature collectibles, sci-fi, mysteries, non-fictionMid-Columbia book collectors will have new shelves to comb this summer.Longtime book collector and retiring Bechtel radiological engineering health supervisor, Steven Woolfolk, is planning the construction of a 6,000-square-foot bookstore at 2240 Robertson Drive in Richland near Horn Rapids.The new store’s name: Xenophile...