Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.
7549 W. 23rd Ave., Kennewick, 0.34-acre home site. Price: $898,000. Buyer: Michael Dean...
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY56921 W. PR NW, Prosser, 2,605-square-foot home on 7 acres. Price: $710,000. Buyer: Wendell Lee & Natalie Sian Cook....
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY570, 576, 594,606, 642 Lazio Way, Richland, home sites ranging in size between 0.21 to 0.26. Price: $855,000. Buyer:...
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY3721 & 3732 S. Nelson St., Kennewick, 1-72 acre home site. Price: $945,000. Buyer: Peake Contractors LLC. Seller: William...
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY6821 W. Canal Drive, Kennewick, 10,786-square-foot restaurant. Price: $1.6 million. Buyer: Hogback Canal Drive LLC. Seller: JBP Properties LLC.4294...
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY334 Columbia Point Drive, Unit 202, Richland, 3,389-square-foot home with detached garage. Price: $1.1 million. Buyer: Gina M. Richey....
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY1614 Pisa Lane, Richland, 2,742-square-foot home. Price: $1 million. Buyer: Kaustav & Natalie Chaudhuri. Seller: Robert Boyer.582, 588, 618...
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY4303 S. Zintel Way, Kennewick, 12.84 acres of commercial land. Price: $3.5 million. Buyer: Evergreen Zintel LLC. Seller: Circle...
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY22 S. Gum St., Kennewick, 3,256-square-foot convenience store. Price: $2.3 million. Buyer: Bruce & Uyen Lok Trustee. Seller: ARS...
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY2548 Rinas Road, Richland, 2,961-square-foot home. Price: $706,000. Buyer: Richard R. Ochoa. Seller: New Tradition Homes Inc.3811 Southlake Drive,...