If your business is in Benton or Franklin county and has opened/moved/changed names in the last three months, please download this form to be included in this listing.
New U Women’s Clinic & Aesthetics has opened at 35 S.
Louisiana St., Suite A120, Kennewick. The clinic is a one-stop women’s health
clinic. Staff include Rachel Gorham-Fidino, an advance practice registered
nurse with national certifications as a women’s health nurse practitioner and
in advanced genetics nursing. She is a certified provider for vampire facials,
facelifts, breast lifts and vampire hair, along with p-shots and o-shots and
platelet-rich plasma procedures. Patricia “Annie” Neuman, a physician
assistant, will provide primary care and diabetes management. Hours: 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Contact: 509-491-1944, newuwomensclinic.com,
MacDonald Health Care moved to 6515 W. Clearwater Ave., Suite
330, in Kennewick.
Taco Time moved to a new location at 2222 Keene Road,
Dino Drop-In has added a new location at 114 Keene Road in
Richland. Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Children between
ages 30 months to 12 years are accepted on a drop-in or scheduled basis.
Contact: 509-579-4150, dinodropin.com, Facebook.