It’s not often that a vegan, a meat eater, a keto dieter and someone with celiac disease or a peanut allergy can all order from the same menu.Especially a menu that’s a mash-up of French and Mexican food.Al Avelar, co-owner of Crepe Haus + El Compadre, knew he wanted his...
Viewed from the perspective of one year to another, very little changes in a community’s demographics. Viewed from the perch of a decade or two, demographic change is usually easy to spot. So it is with race and ethnicity in the greater Tri-Cities.Consider the size of population of people of...
Murray earmarks $3M for MLK Center in PascoPasco’s Martin Luther King Jr. Center will get a major facelift after securing $3 million in a federal appropriations bill signed into law in March.U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Washington, directed $116.4 million to local projects across the state.Some of the other appropriations to...
Pasco’s oldest continuously operating restaurant has been serving the Tri-City community for 58 years.Chinese Gardens at 1520 N. Fourth Ave. has been a Pasco cornerstone since late founder Jack Lee opened it in 1965.The building is hard to miss with its mashup of pagoda-esque midcentury brick architecture and flamboyant, dragon-flanked...
Chauné Fitzgerald continues to make a mark on the Tri-City community through her volunteer work and advocacy, operating her own business and starting a successful nonprofit.She’s also working to launch a Tri-City chapter of the Washington African American Chamber of Commerce.But the Richland entrepreneur says she regularly feels unseen or...
Naima Chambers-SmithCEOTri-Cities Diversity & Inclusion CouncilNaima Chambers-SmithNumber of employees you oversee: We have less than five paid employees. However, we have approximately 30 members of the council and over 130 volunteers in the last year alone.Brief background of your businessor organization:Tri-Cities Diversity & Inclusion Council (TCD&IC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit...
Recently, the Eastern Washington University’s Institute for Public Policy & Economic Analysis was asked by the Port of Kennewick to conduct an “environmental scan” of the economy of the greater Tri-Cities. The overriding goal was to determine the impact of the pandemic on a variety of economic dimensions. One of...
March Madness brings out a latent desire to be No. 1. (Just missed that up here in Spokane.) While many teams have raised their hands with an index finger rising from a fist, not too many municipalities have. Maybe the Tri-Cities should, at least by one measure.It might not be...
State Attorney General Bob Ferguson has filed a consumer protection lawsuit against janitorial services company National Maintenance Contractors, which has 17 affiliate franchisees in the Tri-Cities.National took advantage of immigrants with limited English proficiency and promised them the independence of business ownership, Ferguson said in a news release. But instead,...