Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY22 S. Gum St., Kennewick, 3,256-square-foot convenience store. Price: $2.3 million. Buyer: Bruce & Uyen Lok Trustee. Seller: ARS...
BENTON COUNTYWycoff Farms Inc., 164806 Lemley Road, Prosser, $166,000 for commercial addition. Contractor: Columbia River Steel & Co.Goose Ridge Estate, 63615 E. Jacobs Road NE, Benton City, $125,00 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Fire Control Sprinklers.L7 Ranches LLC, no address listed, $120,000 for grading. Contractor: Design 7 LLC.Monson Ranches, 63615...
KENNEWICKMamma’s Kettle Corn, 10 E. Bruneau Ave.La Chaparrita, 4311 W. Clearwater AvenuePlayers Sports Bar and Grill LLC, 118 W. Kennewick Ave.Cozy Home Renovations LLC, 5619 Washougal Lane, Pasco.TC Soda, LLC, 206 Sitka Court, Richland.Elias Construction Services LLC, 750 SW Third St., Irrigon, Oregon.Cleancor Lng LLC, 2200 Eller Drive, Fort Lauderdale,...
The state can file lawsuits against people or businesses that do not pay taxes, resulting in a judgment against property that person or business owns. Judgments are filed in Benton and Franklin Superior Court. The following is from the Franklin County Superior Court Clerk’s Office.Taller El Paisa LLC, unpaid Department...
Information provided by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.BENTON COUNTYNEWEl Buen Gusto Restaurant, 708 Sixth St., buildings 708 & 710, Prosser. License type: spirits/beer/wine restaurant service bar. Application type: change of location.Honey Dog Productions LLC, 7425 W. Clearwater Ave., Kennewick. License type: beer/wine theater. Application type: new.Jones of Washington,...
Marijuana licenses for Benton and Franklin counties are public record and are obtained from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.BENTON COUNTYNEWCordus LLC, 234805 E. Straightbank, Suite CA, Kennewick. License type: cannabis producer tier 3; cannabis processor. Application type: added/change of location/in lieu.Cannasourc’d Logistics, 17504 W. Yakitat Place, Suite A,...
To submit news about a new business opening, business move or name change, go to: LOCATIONQ Home Loans Tri-Cities has opened at 8202 W. Quinault Ave, Suite B. Contact: 509-554-2611; Water Store has moved to 6510 W. Okanogan Ave., Kennewick.Southridge Dental has moved to 2431 S. Quillan Place,...
Bankruptcies are filed under the following chapter headings:Chapter 7 — Straight Bankruptcy: debtor gives up non-exempt property and debt is discharged.Chapter 11 — Allows companies and individuals to restructure debts to repay them.Chapter 12 — Allows family farmers to restructure finances to avoid liquidation for foreclosure.Chapter 13 — Plan is...
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY2548 Rinas Road, Richland, 2,961-square-foot home. Price: $706,000. Buyer: Richard R. Ochoa. Seller: New Tradition Homes Inc.3811 Southlake Drive,...
BENTON COUNTYMiles Jackson, 34101 N. Demoss Road, Benton City, $66,000 for commercial addition. Contractor: Jackson Dean Construction.New Cingular Wireless, 4771 W. Lattin Road, West Richland, $100,000 for new commercial. Contractor: Ascendtek Holding LLC.Crown Castle Tower, 174502 Jump Off Joe Road, Kennewick, $25,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: Legacy Telecom.FRANKLIN COUNTYBejo Seeds Inc.,...