Information provided by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.BENTON COUNTYNEWRoma House, 617 The Parkway, Suite 617, Richland. License type: cocktails/wine to-go; beer/wine restaurant – beer/wine.4 Whistles Winery, 10 E. Bruneau Ave., Units 61 and 7, Building C, Kennewick. License type: domestic winery <250,000, additional location; curbside endorsement. Application type:...
Marijuana licenses for Benton and Franklin counties are public record and are obtained from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.BENTON COUNTYNEWPipo Farms, 234805 E. Straightbank Road, Suite A, Kennewick. License type: cannabis producer tier 1; cannabis processor. Application type: change of location.APPROVEDSunnyside Northwest, 41305 N. Griffin Road, Grandview. License...
To submit news about a new business opening, business move or name change, go to: Craft Bar, Wine Saloon and Food Joint has opened at 1705 Columbia Park Trail, Richland. A riverfront full-service restaurant, owned by Bookwalter Winery’s John Bookwalter, serving beer, wine and craft spirits and upscale pub...
Bankruptcies are filed under the following chapter headings:Chapter 7 — Straight Bankruptcy: debtor gives up non-exempt property and debt is discharged.Chapter 11 — Allows companies and individuals to restructure debts to repay them.Chapter 12 — Allows family farmers to restructure finances to avoid liquidation for foreclosure.Chapter 13 — Plan is...
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY570, 576, 594,606, 642 Lazio Way, Richland, home sites ranging in size between 0.21 to 0.26. Price: $855,000. Buyer:...
BENTON COUNTYMartinez Livestock, 176194 W. 249 PR NW, Sunnyside, $80,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: Mastec Network Solutions.Richard Yoder, 195908 E. 27th Ave., Kennewick, $20,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: SAC Wireless LLC.Washington State University, 24106 N. Bunn Road, Prosser, $20,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: Burton Construction Inc.KENNEWICKHendrickson Fir Grove, 1305 W. Fourth Ave.,...
The state can file lawsuits against people or businesses that do not pay taxes, resulting in a judgment against property that person or business owns. Judgments are filed in Benton and Franklin Superior Court. The following is from the Franklin County Superior Court Clerk’s Office.Olympic Cascade Drive Ins LLC, unpaid...
Information provided by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.BENTON COUNTYNEWPacific Clinic, 1350 N. Grant St., Kennewick. License type: snack bar. Application type: new.Blackthorne Neighborhood Pub, 201 W. Kennewick Ave., Kennewick. License type: cocktails/wine to-go; spirits/beer/wine restaurant lounge+; off-premises sale wine. Application type: new.Quake Epicenter of Family Fun, 106904 E....
To submit news about a new business opening, business move or name change, go to: Busy Bee Diner, 1505 W. Kennewick Ave., Kennewick, has opened. The diner offers mom-and-pop breakfasts and lunches. Contact: 509-396-3121.Fleet Feet Tri-Cities, 620 George Washington Way, Richland, has opened. The store franchise specializes in personalized...