Top property values listed start at $500,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY24603 S. Sunset Meadow Loop, Kennewick, 2,336-square-foot, single-family home on 2.08 acres. Price: $590,000. Buyer: Michael & Leanna Miller....
BENTON COUNTYFinley School District, 37012 S. Finley Road, $113,600 for a storage building. Contractor: Total Site Services.Pacificorp, 23401 S. Lincoln Road SW, $10,000 for miscellaneous expenses. Contractor: Divco.Cold Creek Vineyards, 245902 Cold Creek, $12,600 for a heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: Eastern OR Heating & A/C.Goose Ridge, 63615 E. Jacobs Road NE,...
KENNEWICKVeritiv Operating Company, 20213 89th Ave. S., Kent.Academy Mortgage Corporation, 1030 N. Center Parkway, Suite 305.Sprint Spectrum, 830 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Suite 1.Pilgrim Communications, 30057 129th Way SE, Auburn.Edi Concepts, 5806 W. 16th Ave.Fawcett Plumbing, 5022 84th St. E., Tacoma.All Valley Sheet Metal, 3601 Powerhouse Road, Yakima.Lawn Patrol Landscape...
The state can file lawsuits against people or businesses that do not pay taxes, resulting in a judgment against property that person or business owns. Judgments are filed in Benton and Franklin Superior Court. The following is from the Franklin County Superior Court Clerk’s Office.Ismael Cardenas Rubio, unpaid Department of...
Information provided by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.BENTON COUNTYNEW APPLICATIONSHenry Earl Estates, 318 Wellhouse Loop, Suite D, Richland. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters; farmers market wine sales. Application type: change of location.Prosser Foodmart, 1303 Wine Country Road, Prosser. License type: grocery store beer/wine. Application type: assumption.Aquilini Brands...
Marijuana licenses for Benton and Franklin counties are public record and are obtained from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.BENTON COUNTYAPPROVEDT in T Elements, 43001 N. Griffin Road, Unit D, Grandview. License type: marijuana producer tier 2. Application type: added/change of class.Sweet Dreams Gardens, 234805 E. Straight Bank Road,...
Bankruptcies are filed under the following chapter headings:Chapter 7 — Straight Bankruptcy: debtor gives up non-exempt property and debt is charged.Chapter 11 — Allows companies and individuals to restructure debts to repay them.Chapter 12 — Allows family farmers to restructure finances to avoid liquidation for foreclosure. Chapter 13 — Plan...
Top property values listed start at $500,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor's office.BENTON COUNTY3920 S. Olson Place, Kennewick, 2,795-square-foot, single-family home. Price: $679,000. Buyer: Jeremy and Sofia Karmy. Seller: Damian and Christy...
BENTON COUNTYGrain Communication, 218406 E. SR 397, $20,000 for an antenna. Contractor: Labyrinth International.American Tower, 31705 E. Wilgus Road, $15,000 for an antenna. Contractor: General Dynamics Information Telecommunications.Goose Ridge Winery, 63725 E. Jacobs, $1,843,800 for new commercial construction. Contractor: Conner Construction.Greenspace Consulting, 15505 Webber Canyon Drive, $309,400 for new commercial...
At press time, city of Kennewick business licenses were not available.PASCOHill’s & Sons Services, 4309 Finnhorse Lane.Ramirez Shellfish, 2020 E. Lewis St.J White Maintenance, 51 McConkey Lane.European Desserts & Appetizer – By Nena, 110 S. Fourth Ave.Teton West of Washington, 5806 Industrial Way, Suite B.Custom Designs, 1842 W. Henry St.Gjovani’s...