BENTON COUNTYSte. Michelle Wine Estates, 178810 S. Highway 221, $1,512,400 for commercial construction. Contractor: MH Construction, Inc.CCI (Crown Castle), 23401 S. Lincoln Road, $15,000 to modify equipment. Contractor: General Dynamics Info. KENNEWICKKennewick Irrigation, 6500 W. Rio Grande Ave., $1,200,000 for commercial construction. Contractor: Nelson & Morris Construction.Kennewick Public Health, 3810 Plaza...
KENNEWICKTMFC, 3324 W. 19th Ave. #77.Arla R. Froehlich, 8507 W. Entiat Ave.Ask Solutions, 5009 W. 19th Ave.Phill’s Good Deals, 2601 W. Albany Ave.ALQ Construction, 14 N. Tweedt Pl., Apt. B.Barbara Donaldson Educational, 220305 E. Finley Road.Reflections, 5910 W. 21st Pl.BNB Mechanical, LLC, 2001 W. 29th Ave.Children in Bloom Preschool, 3612...
Francisco M. Cardenas, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed June 8.Alvardo Desiderio, unpaid Department of Labor & Industries taxes, filed June 10.Desert River Restaurant, LLC, unpaid Department of Labor & Industries taxes, filed June 10.William L. Schorzman et al., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed June 10.Clifton Zachary Steelman, unpaid...
BENTON COUNTYAPPLICATIONSTri-Cities Tap and Barrel LLC, Jason G. Sadler, Samatha B. Reed , Kendra and Lance Guzek, 112 Keene Road, Richland, have applied for a beer/wine restaurant license.Rumor Lounge, Jose A. Casador and Elias Correa Rojas, 6515 W. Clearwater Ave., Kennewick, have applied for a nightclub license.Water from Wine, Patrick...
BENTON COUNTYAPPLICATIONST IN T Elements, James J. Turner, 43001 N. Griffin Road, Ste. B., Grandview, has applied for a marijuana producer tier 2 license.Way Kool, 15505 N. Webber Canyon Raod, Ste. D., Benton City, has applied for a change of location for a tier three marijuana producer/processor.Five Leaves, 234805 E....
Bankruptcies are filed under the following chapter headings:Chapter 7 — Straight Bankruptcy: debtor gives up non-exempt property and debt is charged.Chapter 11 — Allows companies and individuals to restructure debts to repay them.Chapter 12 — Allows family farmers to restructure finances to avoid liquidation for foreclosure. Chapter 13 — Plan...
BENTON COUNTYProsser Community nursing home, 5305 Hicks Road, Grandview, $551,400 for commercial remodeling. Contractor: Genesis Construction.Columbia River Seed LLC, 187405 Plymouth Industrial, $236,600 for a deck for an agricultural facility. Contractor: West Coast Agricultural.Tellus LLC, 233757 E. Highway 397, $339,800 for new commercial construction.Gregg Frichette, 39412 N. Sunset Road, $104,500...
KENNEWICKSmart Start, 6223 W. Deschutes Ave., Ste. 416.1st Choice Towing and Recovery, 400 E. Kennewick Ave.ABCs of Wellness, 1029 N. Kellogg St.Action Chiropractic Care LLC, 207 N. Dennis St.Affordable Design Homes LLC, 90105 Badger View Dr.Alcocer LLC, 1118 N. Buchanan St.American Pacific Mortgage, 8500 W. Gage Blvd. Ste. C.Nails by...
Brookeside LLC, unpaid Employment Security Department taxes, filed May 2.Dustin Zuhlke, unpaid Employment Security Department taxes, filed May 4.Jenell Eshleman, unpaid Employment Security Department taxes, filed May 4.Thomas Kerr, unpaid Employment Security Department taxes, filed May 4.Gabriel Sanchez, unpaid Employment Security Department taxes, filed May 4.Tyler Collins, unpaid Employment Security...