California-based chain has stores in Pasco, KennewickAthird Grocery Outlet store is coming to the Tri-Cities, putting a “bargainmarket” in each of the three cities. The latest will be in the Queensgate areaof Richland, next door to Party City near Target.Richlandis reviewing a permit for the proposed project at 2901 Queensgate...
Tanks will allow Tidewater Terminal Co. to deliver ethanol-petroleum throughout regionA $12.5 million ethanol facility is coming online inAugust at the Tidewater Terminal Co. in Pasco. “Right now we’re going through our testing phase to makesure all our set points are where they need to be,” said Mark Davis, generalmanager...
By Kris JohnsonWe hear about skyrocketing home prices in places like Seattle, San Francisco and New York and shake our heads. Modest three-bedroom ramblers going for $1 million or more. Hopeful homebuyers engaging in bidding wars, sometimes buying houses sight-unseen, or skipping inspections to ensure someone else doesn’t close the...
Three Rivers Elementary School is the Pasco SchoolDistrict’s 16th elementary school.The two-story school features 72,842 square feet of space at3901 Road 84 Pasco, north of Chiawana High School.It also is home to a new inclusive playground that willensure all students can engage in playground activities. It will be the firstinclusive...
The Richland School District’s newest elementary schooldoesn’t have a name yet, though it opens for students on Aug. 28.The school off Belmont Boulevard at 2100 Sunshine Ave. inWest Richland will temporarily house students and staff from Tapteal ElementarySchool this school year, and potentially Badger Mountain Elementary thefollowing school year, before...
Queensgate Storage and RV’s new addition gives the Richlandbusiness room to grow.It bought two adjacent acres from the Church of Nazarene anddoubled its footprint from two acres to four acres.Located at 2373 Jericho Road in Richland, Queensgate Storageand RV added sixteen 14-by-40-foot heated commercial buildings that also can berented as...
The Tri-City chapter of the International Brotherhood ofElectrical Workers has moved into a new building that nearly triples its space.IBEW Local 112 began moving at the end of July into the new$3.4 million union hall at 114 N. Edison St. in Kennewick, just south ofClearwater Avenue and east of Marineland...
The new 34,000-square-foot metal building, known as the FGBuilding, at the east end of Fowler Street wasn’t the original plan Greg andAmy Ford had in mind. The couple had been looking for a small piece of land tobuild a small metal warehouse for a shop and storage space. They wanted...
Kennewick School District’s first phase of the new AmistadElementary expansion project is a 43,500-square-foot building. The new addition features 22 classrooms, plus a gym andoffices, at 930 W. Fourth Ave., near the district’s Administration Center. Students in grades 3 to 5 will occupy the building whenschool starts Aug. 27. The...