Officials with the state Attorney General’s office say Lincare knowingly billed rental fees for oxygen equipment in excess of what is permitted by law more than 15,000 times. Those officials estimate that 565 Medicaid patients in Washington state were overbilled by more than $500,000.
The dual-use demonstration site, funded by a state grant, is being designed to provide strategic orchard shading to help reduce summer sunburn risks while also generating solar power for agriculture operations.
The proposed solar farm, located in northwest Benton County, will have a 470-megawatt solar generation facility – enough to produce enough power for 300,000 homes.
The final agreement, prompted by a settlement between the state and U.S. Department of Energy in April 2024, comes after federal and state agencies considered public and tribal input on proposed new and revised cleanup deadlines.
Federal funding will pay for a project will turn the remaining two-lane undivided highway between Wallula and Nine Mile Hill into a four-lane divided highway with improved intersections and safety features.
The bill includes a 7% cap on yearly rent increases for existing tenants, with some exceptions, including buildings operated by nonprofits and residential construction that is 10 years old or less. It also requires landlords to give 180 days notice before an increase of 3% or more and limits some move-in and deposit fees.
A nearly $10 millionfederal grant will pay for rail improvements from Columbia Center Boulevard in Kennewick to Horn Rapids Road in Richland. The work means faster train speeds, reduced wait time for drivers and emergency vehicles, and more railcars using the lines.
A Richland High graduate and Broadway star will speak at this year’s Tri-Citanof the Year ceremony on April 17 at Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick. Nominations are still being accepted for the award.
Republican state Sen. Matt Boehnke filed a bill after saying the recent Energy Facility Siting Evaluation Councilprocess to approve the siting of the Horse Heaven wind farm in his district did not properly account for local concerns and gave the governor too much authority.