The city of West Richland has completed its $12.3 million police station on a five-acre site at the former Tri-City Raceway, 7920 W. Van Giesen St.
The new station includes a 20,500-square-foot main building and a 2,750-square-foot outbuilding,
The main building features space for police administration, patrol, records, investigations, animal and code compliance, evidence and a community room.
The outbuilding contains a drive-thru garage, storage and climate-controlled kennels.
Drew Woodruff, the city’s engineer, led the project for the city. Darrin Sweeney of Hill International provided project management.
Chervenell Construction of Kennewick was the general contractor, with Patrick Bestebreur serving as project manager.
Architect Brandon Wilm of Design West Architects of Kennewick designed the new police station.
West Richland voters approved a bond to build a new station to replace an aging and cramped facility by the former city hall. The new building is designed to accommodate 25 to 30 years of anticipated growth.