Gesa Credit Union’s new Pasco branch aims to provide convenient access for members in the growing Road 100 area.The building is at4824 Broadmoor Blvd., at the corner of Chapel Hill Boulevard.The single-storybuilding features a full-service branch, along with two suites with about 2,000square feet apiece that are available for lease....
A Richland bakery and restaurant recently featured on the Food Network has completed an expansion project.Frost Me Sweet Bistro and Bakery grew into the adjacent building at 710a The Parkway.Theside-by-side buildings have a shared walk-through and have been updated with amid-modern century feel.Thedécor is reminiscent of 710a’s original décor, with...
Lamb Weston’s 300,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art expansion in Hermiston added a new processing line to the company’s existing facility.The $250 millioninvestment in the new line increases the Hermiston plant’s production capacityby about 300 million pounds of potato annually. The expansion projecttook 18 months to complete. The line beganoperating May 29. A ribbon-cutting...
A five-generation Spanish winemaking family has built andlaunched a 22,000-square-foot production facility and tasting room restaurantin Walla Walla. Valdemar Estates’s wine production and barrel storagetake up the ground floor level, and upstairs there’s a 2,000-square-foottasting room, with an additional 2,000 square feet of patio featuring awaterfall, reflecting pool and a...
The Tri-City areawelcomed its second Firehouse Subs restaurant in May in Kennewick.The 2,000-square-footrestaurant is attached to a 3,000-square-foot SunMarket convenience store andgas station at 10799 Ridgeline Drive, near the roundabout at West ClearwaterAvenue and Leslie Road.Therestaurant, which has seating inside for 50 and on the patio for 30, featuresdécor reflecting...
The new three-storyRichland City Hall is open for business, combining three aging facilities underone roof to allow for a one-stop shop for residents. The merging ofdepartments and business functions is expected to lead to improvedcommunications, operations, efficiency, customer-employee relationships andsafety, according to city officials.The 44,185-square-footbuilding with a partial basement is...
Agrowing sign manufacturing business has constructed and moved into a biggerbuilding on Clearwater Avenue in Kennewick.MustangSign’s space is a two-story unit with the top floor serving as offices overlookingthe production bay.“It’sa great new and unique space on an otherwise bare strip of Clearwater.Hopefully it will spur additional growth in this...
Construction of thefinal building that completes the original investors’ vision for the GrandridgeBusiness Park in Kennewick is done.The new three-tenant19,600-square-foot building has two tenants so far: CliftonLarsonAllen, abusiness providing wealth advisory, outsourcing, audit, tax andconsulting services, and Ticor Title, a title and escrow company. The building wassubstantially completed May 1. CliftonLarsonAllenmoved in...
TheTri-City’s first Brazilian grill restaurant is open and serving up beef,seafood, poultry and pork tableside.BoiadaBrazilian Grill opened to customers on May 30 at 8418 W. Gage Blvd., Kennewick,across the street from Costco near Columbia Center mall.Thecost to launch the 5,500-square-foot restaurant totaled $340,000.Therestaurant owners, the Dicenzo and Ferriera families, are...
The remodel of Mid-Columbia Libraries’ West Richlandbranch was recently completed, reopening April 27.The $251,500 remodel at 3803 W. Van Giesen St.included the installation of new shelving, paint, furniture, electricaloutlets, an improved story time area for children and custom artworkcelebrating the Mid-Columbia region’s unique culture and history.In addition, new materials worth...