Their line of wearables tries to raise awareness, promote thoughtfulness toward people with special needsThe button idea really was a simple one.Yet it took a Tri-City couple, Michael and Linde Thomas, more than 20 years to turn it into reality.The Thomases recently created a foundation called Kindhearted for Special Needs.They...
Owner of Richland practice says move could mean future expansion Owner Matt Lucas was running out of room for his massage therapists at Chiropractic Care of Tri-Cities in Richland.His business’ neighbor, Mark Whitten, also was struggling with a problem. He ran Riverside Therapeutic Massage, but wanted to spend more time...
Professional Investment Management Services celebrates 20 years in business in 2020A Kennewick independent boutique investment advisory firm is closing in on 20 years of business next year.That’s the case for Professional Investment Management Services, or PIMS for short, at 7103 W. Clearwater Ave., Suite B, upstairs in the new Copiers...
Sign Gypsies owner delivers personalized messages for friends, family, customersRobin Wojtanik of Richland didn’t expect to become an expert on Tri-City area soil density when she launched her new business, Sign Gypsies, this summer.But putting up signs with custom messages at homes, schools and businesses has turned her into one.“North...
Job’s Nursery celebrates 80 years in business next yearAs the calendar flips to October, families begin to visit the region’s pumpkin patches.Many head to Job’s Nursery in Pasco.“We have two acres of pumpkins in our pumpkin patch,” said Alex Job, who has been a co-owner of the business since 2012,...
SAGECollegePrep Services offers test prep classes, private tutoring, college counselingWhen Rich Quadrel retired from his research and development manager position at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in 2015, he thought he’d return to something he really enjoyed years before—teaching.He and his wife Marilyn started SAGECollege Prep Services four years ago and have been...
Sage Brewing Co. will serve up multiple IPAs, hop-fed pales, easy-drinking beersWhen Tyson Crudup and Ben Grogan met each other while working at Yakima Chief Hops a few years ago, little did they know at the time they would eventually become business partners.This fall, the men expect to open Sage...
Esprit Graphic Communications will become Minuteman Press by year’s endSkip and Shannon Novakovich began Esprit Graphic Communications in downtown Kennewick in 1989.They’ve long been active in the Tri-City business community, as well as involved in local charities over the past 30 years.They’ve received numerous awards over the years—including Kennewick Downtowners...
By Andrew KirkSeven members of Jim Godfrey’s family were workingtogether at a family-owned business—but not their family’s. It was time to rectify that, he said, so he opened HornRapids RV Service & Sales Inc. on July 12. All three of Godfrey’s sons started working with himwhen they were 14 at...
Darin Warnick has a five-word solution to all theworld’s problems.“Just go ride a bike.”From global warming and bad traffic, to stress and badhealth, all of it can be solved by climbing into the saddle, pushing thepedals, grinding the gears and basically biking away your worries.“The bike is a simple solution...