The Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for a new award recognizing a business or organization that has demonstrated exemplary leadership and community engagement that benefits the region.
Two of Gov. Bob Ferguson’s first three executive orders are focused on streamlining housing construction regulations and cutting times for permitting and licensing.
He started at the Richland hospital in a part-time role helping with community outreach. In addition to providing the automated voice for Kadlec’s phone answering system, he connected with the community via radio, television and podcasts. He most recently served as Kadlec’s chief philanthropy officer after spending much of his career as director of communication.
The Kennewick School Board will interview six preliminary finalists as it searches for a successor to Superintendent Traci Pierce. Members of the public may attend and observe the interview process on Jan. 28 and 30, and observers will have the opportunity to provide written feedback to the school board.
The state can file lawsuits against people or businesses that do not pay taxes and then get a judgment against property that person or business owns. Judgments are filed in Benton-Franklin Superior Court. The following is from the Franklin County Superior Court Clerk’s Office.