Amon Creek Elementary is a new Kennewick school with 76,664 square feet of space for 38 classrooms, a gym, cafeteria, library, specialist spaces, flexible learning space, computer lab, two reading rooms and a playground.
The school may have a Richland mailing address but it is in the Kennewick School District boundaries. School district boundaries sometimes include multiple city addresses.
The estimated cost of the project is $20 million. The funding comes from a combination of local bond and state K-3 class size reduction grant dollars.
The school originally was included in the 2015 voter-approved bond but an expansion of the 26-classroom design was approved thanks to the state dollars distributed in 2016.
The school uses the same design as the new Eastgate Elementary School.
A ribbon-cutting is planned to celebrate the school at 10 a.m. Aug. 24.
Amon Creek’s office opens Aug. 15. The first day of school is Aug. 28.
Chad Foltz is the school’s principal and Brian Massey is the assistant principal.
The general contractor was Chervenell Construction Co. of Kennewick.
The architect was MMEC Architecture & Interiors of Kennewick.