Numerica Credit Union
completed the first phase of its Kennewick remodel in November.
Work on the next phase
begins in January and will add a drive-thru at 3115 W. Kennewick Ave.
Renovations to the
10,100-square-foot branch provide space for financial conversations and
enclosed the second story of the building to expand work stations and offices
for staff. A training room was added to support Numerica staff members as
Nancy Norbury-Harter,
Numerica’s chief branding officer, leads the credit union’s construction
Leone & Keeble Inc.
of Spokane was the general contractor.
Bernardo Wills of
Spokane was the designer.
The remodeled Kennewick
Avenue branch is at the southwest corner of West Kennewick and South Huntington
Street, across from the UPS Store.