Each year Americans throw away more than three billion batteries constituting 180,000 tons of hazardous material. The situation is likely to get worse as the world shifts to lithium batteries to power a massive influx of electric vehicles (EV). It needs immediate attention.
Energy Northwest, owner of Columbia Generating Station — the Northwest's only commercial nuclear power plant — has been exploring a next-generation nuclear energy plant for several years.
The setting for the classic Christmas movie starring Chevy Chase, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” is in a typical suburban community. Clark Griswold, played by Chase, decorates every foot of his home and front yard. However, when Griswold family flicks the “on” switch to share the light show with his family, the rest of the city’s lights wink out. It’s easy to envision Griswold extravaganzas nationwide draining the power grids.
Researchers are looking at how to convert everything from cooking oil to sewage waste into sustainable energy sources that can fuel airplanes and provide energy for communities.
The public power industry was organized by the communities we live in to bring electricity to the rural and vulnerable communities that investor owner power companies refused to serve.